Constitution of uganda 2016 pdf

The ugandan ministry of health in the annual health sector performance report of 20172018 estimates that as of 2018, 5. Constitution of the republic of uganda 1995, as amended to 2005 english. Ugandas constitution of 1995 with amendments through 2005. It provided for a system of parliamentary democracy underpinned by constitutional supremacy. The independence constitution 1962 was promulgated based on compromise of various political interests namely the upcky alliance to win state power from dp. This global legal monitor article by hanibal goitom covering adoption and foster care, child abuse, child custody, child welfare, children, childrens rights was published on march 17, 2016 for uganda. In 2016, uganda, through a reporting mechanism established under the crpd for. Acts and other legal normatively acts are passed on the basis of constitution of ukraine and must answer her. Frank mugisha is the executive director and the winner of both the 2011 robert f.

Preface i chapter four protection and promotion of fundamental and other human constitution ofthe rep ublic of uganda 1 arrangement of the constitution 1 national objectives and directive principles of state policy 2 arrangement of objectives 2 arrangement of chapters. To download, simply navigate to or search the legislation using the search field above. Since its promulgation, the constitution has been amended three times. An act to amend the constitution of the republic of uganda in accordance with articles 259 and 262 of the. Uganda ugandas 1995 constitution and broader normative and policy frameworks reflect global standards, are strongly supportive of gender equality ge and, within recent policy documents, address genderbased violence gbv explicitly. Uganda has adopted 3 constitutions since her independence.

Replacement of article 178 of the constitution for article 178 of the constitution there is substituted the following 178. Police in uganda detained 25 women who had peacefully gathered in the capital kampala to pray and present a petition to the speaker of parliament on tuesday. In late 2014, lgbt ugandans published the first installment of bombastic magazine and launched the. The third amendment to the constitution of the republic of uganda was the constitutional amendment no. Oaths to be taken by judges of high court part ii court of appeal. Nongovernmental organisations act, 2016 uganda legal. On the 4th of august the government announced that it would submit new. In brief congressional research service summary rwanda, a small landlocked country in central africas great lakes region, has seen rapid development and security gains since about 800,000 peoplemostly members of the ethnic tutsi minoritywere killed in the 1994 genocide. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the.

An act to amend the constitution of the republic of uganda in accordance with articles 259 and 262 of the constitution. This act may be cited as the constitution of zambia amendment act, 2016, and shall be read as one with the constitution of zambia, in this act referred to as the constitution. A critical analysis of the legal construction of the presidency in post1995 uganda pdf. The first constitution of uganda was the product of the ugandan constitutional conference and took effect at the moment of independence 9 october 1962. Legislation online uganda legal information institute ulii, uganda pdf doc.

It could therefore provide some lessons for kenya and uganda. The passing of these amendments means that at least 11 commercial banks in the country can adopt the islamic banking model. The assented copy of the uganda constitution amendment act. Constitution of the republic of uganda 1995, as amended to 2005.

No person has the right to terminate the life of an unborn child except as may be authorised by law. Constitution prepared by the uganda constitutional commission and to adopt and enact a constitution for uganda. Abortion is thus criminalized in uganda unless it is done by a licensed and registered physician to save a womans life or preserve the physical or mental health of the woman. The government issued its constitutional proposals on the 9th of june, 1967 and parliamentary debate began on the 22nd of june. The uganda constitution, april 1966 journal of african. Kennedy human rights award and the 2011 rafto prize for his work on behalf of lgbt rights in uganda. Given the fundamental law of the republic of rwanda as amended to date, especially the arusha peace agreement in its part on powersharing in its article 41, and in its part on miscellaneous issues and final provisions in its article 22. It provides for freedom of belief and the right to practice and promote any religion, and to belong to and participate in the practices of any religious organization in a manner consistent with the constitution. Opposition leaders claimed, however, that the 2016 election was marred by voter. Islamic banking, bancassurance and agent banking, to ugandas banking sector. The first was the 1962 constitution, which was replaced by the 1967. An overview of the international and regional treaties signed and ratified by uganda can be found in appendix i of this report. The constitution of the re public of uganda was promulgated on 8t11 october 1995 by the constituent assembly, replacing the 1967 constitution.

Constitutionnet is a project created to support legislators, constitutional lawyers and other constitutional practitioners in finding useful and relevant information, sharing knowledge and building a. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Constitution of ukraine has the most greatest legal force. Under this arrangement, buganda retained powers over the local police, primary education, and local forests. Uganda overview uganda has undertaken a series of ambitious legal and policy reforms with regard to property rights and resource governance since 1995, with the intention of bringing about fundamental reforms in rights, tenure management and control of land. Uganda s constitution of 1995 with amendments through 2005. Recalling our history which has been characterised by political and constitutional instability recognising our. On the 26th of october the unct inspired by local notions of sustainable. Do hereby, in and through this constituent assembly solemnly adopt, enact and give to ourselves and our posterity, this constitution of the republic of uganda, this 22nd day of september, in the year 1995. The parliament was constituted into a constituent assembly and given a mandate to draft a new constitution for uganda. First constitution 19621966 the first constitution of uganda was the product of the ugandan constitutional conference and took effect at the moment of independence 9 october 1962. The policy sets the stage for water resources management and will guide development efforts aimed at achieving the maximum net benefit for uganda from her water resources for the present and future. Where a tribunal is appointed by the president under clause 9 of this article in respect of any member of the electoral commission, the president shall suspend that member from performing the.

The nrm is a mass organisation that is on track in implementing policies and programmes in all these manifestos. The first was the 1962 constitution, which was replaced by the 1967 constitution. The constitutional reforms should reflect our will and. In addition to any other powers conferred upon him or her under this act, the commissioner may, with the consent of the minister, by notice in writing, require any employer to furnish, in writing, returns and. Votes of twothirds of the assembly chapter vi the judicature part i the high court. Protection and promotion of fundamental and other human rights and freedoms. Ugandas independence constitution, which came into force on october 9th, 1962, was the culmination of long negotiation in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting interests of buganda, the western kingdoms and busoga on the one hand, and the rest of the country on the other, and the result was a delicate compromise between a unitary and a federal statethe fruit of a political understanding. On february 18, voters reelected museveni to a fifth fiveyear term and returned an nrm majority to the unicameral national assembly. For the first time, uganda has a clear documented and referenceable written national water policy. Uganda is a constitutional republic led since 1986 by president yoweri museveni of the national resistance movement nrm party. International conference on the great lakes region implementation of the pact on security sustainability and development in the great lakes region bill 2016. It provides for freedom of belief and the right to practice and promote any religion, and to belong to and participate in the practices of any religious. On september 8, 1967, the new constitution came into force. Implementation of the pact on security sustainability and development in the great lakes region bill 2016.

The financial institutions amendment act introduces three new products. A federal arrangement for buganda was entrenched in the 1962 constitution. The present constitution was adopted on 8 october 1995. This act may be cited as the constitution of zambia amendment act, 2015, and shall be read as one with the constitution of zambia, in thisact referred to as the constitution. Act nongovernmental organisations act 2016 4at least one third of the members of the board of directors shall be female. Norms of constitution of ukraine are the norms of direct action. Youth policy briefs youth and public policy in uganda. The constitution prohibits religious discrimination and stipulates there shall be no state religion. Uganda has a mixed legal system of english common law and customary law. The roles and powers of each of the government arms are enshrined and spelt out in the uganda constitution 1995. The constitution of the republic of uganda was promulgated on 8t11 october 1995 by the constituent assembly, replacing the 1967 constitution. Any statutory instrument made under the nongovernmental organisations act, cap 1, repealed under subsection 1 and which is in force immediately before. Constitution of zambia preamble as amended by act no. It is bordered on the east bi kenyae, on the north bi sudan, on the wast bi the democratic republic o the congo, on the soothwast bi rwanda, an on the sooth bi tanzanie.

It provided for a complex system of devolution within uganda. Guyanas constitution of 1980 with amendments through 2016. Ugandas constitution the costitution of the republic of. The ugandan constitution, in article 22, item 2 states. Determined to uphold and exercise our inherent and inviolable right as a people to decide, appoint and. Constitution amendment uganda law reform commission. In late 2014, lgbt ugandans published the first installment of bombastic magazine and launched the online platform kuchu times. The 1962 constitution was abrogated by prime minister milton obote in 1966, who declared himself president under an interim constitution of 1966. This thesis argues that the equality clauses in the kenyan and ugandan constitutions form a. An act to amend the constitution of the republic of uganda in. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Article 10 of the constitution and the values and principles of public service in. Constitutional amendment act, 2015 uganda legal information.

The constitution of the united republic of tanzania of 1977. In 2008, the government of the republic of uganda ratified the convention on the rights of persons. National objectives and directive principles of state policy. Laws of the republic of uganda in force on 31st december, 2000 revised edition, 2000 volume i prepared under the authority of the laws revised edition act by the commissioners of law revision, vastina rukimirana nsanze and ann l.

Constitution as they were in the year 2016, when the current. The 1995 constitution established uganda as a republic with an executive, legislative, and judicial branch. The assented copy of the uganda constitution amendment act, 2017 the independent january 4, 2018 news leave a comment magyezi moves a motion to change the constitution. Services of uganda, appoint a medical board which shall investigate the matter and report its findings to the president, with a copy to the tribunal.

The constitution of the united republic of tanzania, 1977 cap. Constitution of the republic of uganda, 1995 uganda. The constitution of uganda is the supreme law of uganda. Within the first two weeks of the new officer roles, the chairs will choose at least one 1 responsibility from this list respectively, therefore fulfilling all these tasks. The assented copy of the uganda constitution amendment act, 2017. An act to amend, replace and reform the law relating to the incorporation, regulation and administration of companies and to make provision for related matters. The constitution is the supreme law in uganda and any law or custom that is in conflict with it is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency. Uganda shall be based on the district as a unit under which there shall be such local governments and administrative units as parliament may, by law, provide. The constitution of the united states as a printable pdf file.

Ugandas first constitutionthe 1962 independence constitutionwas established in the context of a newly formed alliance between milton obotes protestantled uganda peoples congress upc and the baganda kabaka yekka party ky, or king alone. In fact, relevant provisions of the constitution of uganda and numerous laws seek to translate this commitment into reality, including through affirmative actions. January 2016 23 february 2016 315 march 2016 11 engage us. The constitution 1995 and the land act 1998 redefined. The address to the court for defence of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen directly on. Abortion in uganda is illegal unless performed by a licensed medical doctor who following a clinical assessment and expert opinion believes that pregnancy places the womans life at risk. It identifies, but does not treat in depth, critical gender issues in the key intervention areas in which undp is supporting the implimentation of ndp ii 20152020 and the undaf 20162020.

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